Region 7 of the Golf Collectors Society includes Nebraska and early May is not always agreeable for golf. Not so on May 3-4 for 11 intrepid hickory golfers who did battle with the Tom Bendelow course in Beatrice, Neb. Six went home with prizes from the pro shop.
“The weather was the best we have had all spring with just a little windy conditions on the second day,” says organizer Duane Baylor, the GCS director for Region 7.
Side note, according to Duane, “When the wind stops blowing in Nebraska, everyone falls over!”
Winning the Gross division was Roger Andrews with a fine two day total of 149. Second place went to David Brown with 167, and Dan Schnittker at 179, finished third in his first hickory tournament.
The net devision was won by Charles Mulligan with 154, second was Dick Shanahan at 156, and third was Jon Ausen with 158. The “also ran” crew included Larry Krebsbach, David Dunigan, William Reed, Russ Fisher, and Duane.
“We hope more hickory players will make the trip next year to The Homesteade,” Duane says. “And Beatrice, Neb., the home of the first filing for a homestead claim under the Homestead Act. The Homesteader is one of the larger amateur tournaments in Nebraska with a championship flight and five other flights using modern equipment. Beatrice CC added a hickory flight about five years ago and our numbers are slowing growing.
“Thank you to everyone for their participation. Hit ’em straight.”