‘Truett Trophy’ hickory event added to prestigious R&A Autumn Meeting

Oct. 6, 2019

Reports have filtered in that the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews has begun a new tradition for its Autumn Meeting. It is one we hope will find a lasting place in the Club’s fixture schedule.

R&A member Philip Truett is shown on the practice green at the 2010 Mid Pines Hickory Open in Southern Pines, N.C.

The R&A Autumn Meeting, Wednesday, 18 Sept., included this year The Truett Trophy, played with hickories over the Eden Course. The “very sociable” event was conceived and administered by Philip Truett, an R&A member, as well as a member of both the Golf Heritage Society and the Society of Hickory Golfers. 

The R&A reports that “A good number of Members were tempted to participate in the inaugural Truett Trophy.”

The competition included two trophies:
The Beharrell Bronze: The best scratch hickory score
The Truett Trophy: The best handicap hickory score

“The tenor of the event,” quoth the R&A, “may be judged by the three conditions of competition that were rigorously applied:
No DMD’s (Distance-measuring devices.)
‘TRUETT RULES’ – (Recently adopted by the R&A!) – To avoid ‘walking back’, drop a ball in the first cut and adjacent to where it has been lost, for a penalty of 2 shots.

It is a very strong element of hickory golf among U.K. players, especially members of the British Golf Collectors Society, that hickory golf be played with original clubs only. Replicas, even as precisely made as they are by today’s craftsmen, have yet to find acceptance. Best, then, to get those early Stewarts, Nicolls, and Forgans into top shape. There are some fine hickory golfers in the lands of the game’s origin. We are very happy to see that the Truett Trophy once again brings hickory golf clubs to R&A competitions over the famous and historic links courses of St Andrews.