Worldwide Hickory Tournament Calendar
We’re committed to continuing to grow the game of hickory golf on a worldwide basis. Our latest effort is to create this expanded list of worldwide tournaments as a service to our members. Know of a tournament that’s not listed here? Please send the info along to Jim Davis at: Enjoy!

2025 Spud Cup
June 7 - June 8

Of course it’s in Idaho, it’s the Spud Cup and it’s the third annual playing of this Northwest Hickory Players fixture hosted by Tom Tracy.
The format is two days of stroke play, individual competition (gross & net) plus a fun 18-hole 4-person team competition concurrently on Saturday only. Sunday pairings will be by division of play. Teams on Saturday will be mixed and assigned by the Tournament Committee, with A,B,C,D players on each team. Scoring will be 1 gross plus 2 net scores each hole, with no player’s score counting twice on the same hole, e.g. gross & net. Tee times will start at 10 a.m. each day. Awards follow play on Sunday.
The Spuds Fest Social and Dinner follows play on Saturday with plenty of good food, drinks, and even better company.
Click here for a registration form and event information.