Worldwide Hickory Tournament Calendar
We’re committed to continuing to grow the game of hickory golf on a worldwide basis. Our latest effort is to create this expanded list of worldwide tournaments as a service to our members. Know of a tournament that’s not listed here? Please send the info along to Jim Davis at: Enjoy!

- This event has passed.
COW Cup returns with November date in Oregon
November 5, 2022 - November 6, 2022

This annual Northwestern hickory tournament was curtailed a couple years by covid but returns on Nov. 5-6 at the Centennial Golf Club in Medford, Ore. The C.O.W. Cup is an epic battle that pits hickory golfers from California vs. those from Oregon and Washington in a Ryder Cup-style format.
SATURDAY, Nov 5 – Tee times start at 11 a.m.
Chapman format —
Teams of two hit tee shots, and then play second shots hitting their partner’s balls. After both players’ second shots, the team selects one ball to complete the hole using alternate shot format.
SUNDAY, Nov 6 – Tee times start at 11 a.m.
— Four Ball & Singles Combined format —
Two teams of two players play match play each other in Four Ball competition, otherwise known as best ball format. In addition, a Singles match of one vs one is run concurrently with the Four Ball match.
Costs: Green fees $61 plus $20 tournament fee to covers awards.
All monies payable at the course.