Worldwide Hickory Tournament Calendar
We’re committed to continuing to grow the game of hickory golf on a worldwide basis. Our latest effort is to create this expanded list of worldwide tournaments as a service to our members. Know of a tournament that’s not listed here? Please send the info along to Jim Davis at: Enjoy!

- This event has passed.
Southern Hickory Four-Ball Championship
April 18, 2024 - April 20, 2024

The 2024 Tad Moore Southern Hickory Four-Ball Championship – “The Woody” – is scheduled for April 18-20 (practice round on the 18th) in Birmingham, Ala., at the beautiful Highland Park Golf Club. Highland Park was established in 1903 as the Birmingham Country Club and the first golf course in Alabama. It was the site of one of Bobby Jones’ first victories and has proven a delight to play.
Entry fee for the 2024 Southern Four-Ball is $660 per team and includes free range balls, three rounds of golf, a Thursday Night Welcome Party and trade show after the practice round, and Friday lunch. After golf on Saturday there will be a cookout and tournament awards in the clubhouse. We’ve already had teams calling about the event, so register early. As always, if you do not have a partner, please let me know as early as possible and I will try to secure one for you.
Click here for a registration form. Deadline to enter is March 10.
The Woody is conducted in two divisions. The SCRATCH is a Best Ball scratch event. The Stableford is conducted using the TEAM Total handicap – and BOTH players’ points are totaled to make the Team Score.
It is important that both players have a valid handicap for STABLEFORD. The Society of Hickory Golfers (www.hickory provides one and if you are not a current MEMBER I suggest you join. If not I will use your other handicap. If you don’t have a hickory handicap I need your USGA GHIN.
Practice round is Thursday April 18. You will be given the number to call and we will again have a small trade show and party starting around 5:30 p.m.
We will have our Scratch Best Ball Division as before. If you and your partner want to play for the Overall Best Ball Scratch please advise me when you make your entry. If I don’t see that I will assume you are playing in the Partners Stableford. Just like last year.