SoHG Housekeeping
The Spring/Summer 2025 edition of A Wee Nip is just about ready to go to press. Thanks to all who contributed! We'll post a PDF to the website when it's ready.ADVERTISE IN THE WEE NIP – Send your message to all SoHG members in the bi-annual magazine. Your ad also helps the SoHG. Contact Dale Hallock for information on how to advertise.
The USHO is going to Hot Springs! – Dates are Oct. 3-5. The USHO has a new website with all the information you need. Information will also be placed on the USHO page of this website. Check either one for updates and information on this year's tournament.
Support the USHO with a donation to the USHO Patrons Fund or the donation of a raffle item to the 2025 USHO. Donations of any amount to the Fund are welcome, but a $1,000 donation earns a Lifetime Membership in the Society. Click here to learn more and donate. As for 2025 raffle donations, email Dave Brown or Jim Davis for information on how to do so. All raffle items are welcome, no matter the size.
Let us know about your hickory hole-in-one. Click here to check out reports from others who have managed this rare shot with a hickory club. Timothy Chenevert, of Baton Rouge, La., got his on the City Park Golf Course in late September.
Send your letters, comments, photos, and articles for A Wee Nip and website contributions to Jim Davis. Do it! Let's hear about your hickory golf travels and adventures.